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Testimonial from Aadil Palkhivala

Aadil Palkhivala

I traveled 3.5 million miles to teach around the world, practiced law in Washington state, cofounded Purna Yoga®, was the co-director of the internationally renowned yoga studio, Alive and Shine Center®, trained world-class yoga teachers in six countries, constantly wrote articles for magazines and newsletters, authored three manuals and two books. I did not have time to prepare perfect meals for my body every day. After more than 15 years of searching for nutrition that would support my lifestyle, a law client introduced me to the Sunrider whole-food nutritionals, household products and natural skincare. Initially I hesitated because I was consistently approached by companies to endorse their products. Today, after more than 32 years of eating the Sunrider foods and using Sunrider products in my home, I cannot imagine using anything else. I chose the Sunrider products because they are quick and easy to prepare, and because of the dedication the owners have to quality and excellence and the 5000-year history of research that supports the formulae. When I visited the manufacturing facilities, I realized that Sunrider is one of the very rare companies which actually manufactures everything in-house. The quality standards are truly the finest in the world.

Now I am in my 60s and my mind is clear, my body is strong and healthy, my environment free of toxins and I have not even had a cavity in 20 years, all thanks to eating Sunrider foods and using Sunrider products including Sunrider toothpaste! I will continue to consume and use the Sunrider products as long as I’m alive. It really is that simple for me.

- Aadil Palkhivala